Friday, 19 March 2010

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Over the course of the project I have had a lot of feedback about the video, some from people my own age and some from teachers. This gives me a good range of opinions and enables me to see not only what my target audience thought of the video but what others, who are a bit older and so may not be into this new kind of music.

Teachers said our video was a little repetitive. At this point we did not have a lot on animation to break up the stream of shots of Lorna. Acting on this we filmed more lego parts to water this down a bit and to make the lego a more integral part of the whole video. We also added different effects to the clips of Lorna, like the duplicate effect, where the clip is shown more then once in the frame. This gave a different feel to the video and made it more interesting to look at.

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