My media product and Ancillary tasks link together well in many ways, for one my ancillary tasks are based on colours from the video - Purple and blue; these colours are used in our artist's main costume throughout the video. I decided to develop on this idea as from my research I had seen that strong colours play a vital roll in advertising and in our specific genre. In Jay-Z's latest album release 'Blueprints 3' he uses red and white as his main colour scheme, and these can be seen on album covers, posters and tour tickets. I used many isometric shapes to create a kaleidoscope effect with blue and purple around the outside, as this sort of strange futuristic effect can be seen in many Synthpop videos, in particular the official video of 'Bulletproof'. All the shapes which appear on the floor are isometric, and the whole set indeed is isometric in shape with many straight lines. I developed on this idea and made it my own in my ancillary task.
Great to see you using images and stills to show readers your thoughts in a visual way.